The greatest jobs on Earth!

It's official, BCSD is South Carolina's school district with the second-highest starting teacher salary.

Looking to make a positive difference? It's time you found your home in Berkeley County.

Not interested in teaching? That's not a problem. School and district administrators are always looking for people to make a difference in a wide range of positions, including but not limited to: teacher assistants, custodians, clerical staff, maintenance workers, bus drivers, food services and IT professionals.

"Creating a future we dare to imagine and making a positive difference."

Vision Statement  

   Berkeley County School District

Our Culture

With innovative learning practices, our children are soaring in the classroom and benefiting from new opportunities offered through the Arts, STEAM, multiage classrooms and competency-based grading. Berkeley County School District is breaking out of the traditional mold. While we understand the role of standardized testing, such mandated tests will not be the only way children in Berkeley County are measured.

At Berkeley County School District we aren’t teaching to the test. We are preparing our students with valuable work and life skills. Every day our students are challenged in ways to help them learn what they need to be successful. From adaptability and critical thinking to resilience and collaboration -- our students are getting what they need for college, the work force, the military or whatever finds them after graduation.

Employee Stories

Tyler Holliday

Rebecca Wallace

Chef Calvert

Ask Us About Opportunities and Incentives!

From loan forgiveness programs to unmatched professional development offerings, there are many reasons to begin your career with Berkeley County School District. 

  • State retirement & insurance

  • Supplements & annuities

  • Paid holidays

  • Rural School mileage

  • 190-day contracts paid over 12 months

  • Loan forgiveness opportunities

  • Salaries at or above the tri-county average

  • Professional leave availability

  • Instructional support for all teachers

  • Discounts w/ local businesses

  • New teacher support program

About Berkeley County

Berkeley County is home to some of the fastest-growing areas in America. The area is rich in history with no shortage of historic sites, places and spaces. We're also a short drive from historic downtown Charleston and Lowcountry beaches. You can find additional information about Berkeley County at