Tim McDowell
Chief Pupil Services Officer
Important information regarding home school/charter school participation in athletics
The value of extracurricular activities upon students’ well-being has been validated through many research studies and Berkeley County School District stands strong in our advocacy for these programs. It is in these vital programs that young people learn lifelong lessons as important as those taught in the classroom – lessons about leadership, teamwork, communication, and commitment. These extracurricular activities support the academic mission of our schools, are inherently educational, and foster success in later life.
Statutes concerning participation in district allow charter school students, home school students, and governor’s school students to try out for and, if selected, participate in the district’s extracurricular activities (charter school students) and interscholastic activities (home school students). Provided certain eligibility requirements are satisfied, these students may participate at the student’s residence-zoned school. Our efforts are to support these laws and to ensure a seamless transition into the programs at our schools.
Extracurricular activities in our schools are defined as activities that do not fall within the scope of the regular curriculum and carry no academic weight, but are associated with the curriculum and sponsored by the district. Interscholastic Activities are defined as extracurricular activities involving competition between schools. To participate in an activity, a student must complete the “Extracurricular Activity Participation and Permission Form” and include all required documentation listed within that form. This form can be obtained at any school, directly from the district office or from the link below.
Once the form is submitted in its entirety, the Office of Pupil Services will notify both the student involved and the appropriate school that the student is eligible to try out or apply for membership in a particular extracurricular activity. Although the application is self-explanatory, we will be glad to assist with any questions that you may have.
Again, we welcome you to Berkeley County School District and wish you well.

Cynthia Benjamin
Administrative Assistant