
All athletes participating in any tryouts starting on February 3rd must have all athletic paperwork completed in Planet HS/Big Teams prior to participating. Physical exam must be dated after April 1, 2024 to be valid for this season. If you have any questions about the sport your child wishes to participate in, please reach out to the coach below.

Students must attend Cane Bay High School or be 7th and 8th graders zoned to attend Cane Bay High School. Homeschool or Charter School athletes must complete the Extra Curricular Activities Application on and live in the CBHS attendance zone to participate.


Tryouts will be held Monday and Tuesday(Wednesday and Thursday, if necessary)
11th and 12th grade from 4:00pm to 6:30pm
9th and 10th grade from 5:00pm to 6:30pm
7th and 8th grade from 4:00pm to 5:30pm
If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Todd at


Tryouts will be held on February 3rd and 4th from 4:25pm to 6:15pm each day.
Athletes will need softball equipment, if they have it and their own water bottle.
Any questions reach out to Coach Hobbs at

Boys Soccer

Tryouts for Grades 9-12 will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:20pm to 5:45pm
Tryouts for Grades 7-8 will be Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:20pm to 5:45pm
All tryouts will be on the CBHS Practice Fields. Athletes need to have cleats and shin guards to participate. Please contact Coach Sharp at if you have any questions.

Girls Soccer

Tryouts will be held February 3rd thru 6th from 4:20pm to 5:45pm on the CBHS Practice Fields. Athletes should bring tennis shoes, clears, shin guards and goalkeepers should bring gloves. Any questions please reach out to Coach Poston at

Track and Field

Practice will be held Monday-Thursday from 4:30pm-6:00pm each day in the stadium.
Athletes should come dress for the weather and should have a water bottle.
Any questions reach out to Coach Hall at

Boys Tennis

Tryouts will be held on February 4th thru 6th from 4:15pm to 5:45pm at the CBHS Tennis Courts. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Brown at

Boys Golf

Please reach out to Coach Babin at babinj@bcsdschools for more information.